Ditch the Harsh Chemicals and discover the ancient art of Oil Cleansing


What is Oil Cleansing and why do we love it?

In today's world, where pollutants and stress take a toll on our skin, oil cleansing offers a holistic solution. By harnessing the power of botanical oils, this skincare technique effectively dissolves impurities and balances your skin's natural oil production

That’s because using the oil cleansing method allows us to cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. Most commercial cleansers contain alcohol, which can dry the skin on our face and cause irritation.

Stripping our skins natural oils can cause both overly dry skin, greasy skin, or even a combination of the two.

This is because commercial cleansers can play havoc with our skin's sebum production. Either it removes all the sebum, drying our skin, or is causes it to over produce oils to compensate, leaving you with greasy, sensitive and sometimes acneic skin.  


How To Oil Cleanse

To Oil Cleanse, we massage clean, natural oils into the face in an outward motion. You don’t need to wash with soap before you do this, the oil will take care of everything. By working the oil into the skin in circular motions, always moving outwards to the corners of the face, the oil dissolves dirt, old make-up and dead skin cells, allowing you to either wash or wipe them away with a natural warm cloth.  

How Oil Cleansing Works

Oil cleansing works on the basis that ‘like dissolves like’ - the clean oils we apply mix with the dirty oils in our skin, binding to them and drawing them out. The clean oils left on our face maintain the skins moisture, help balance the skins PH and sebum production and even provides a host of different botanical benefits; depending on which oil you use . So cleansing with natural oil feeds our skin the essential vitamins and nutrients present in the oils, whilst also riding it of daily dirt and build up. 

Essential oils also have a role to play; most oil cleansers contain them, and this isn't just because of the lovely smell. Almost all essential oils have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. So while the base cleanser oils dissolve the dirty oils in our skin, the essential oils are getting to work on cleaning the dirt that builds up on our face throughout the day. 

The Joy Of Facial Massage

Of course, it's not all about the oils on their own. It’s not surprising that the massaging process helps to dislodge dead skin, dirt and blocked pores. Massaging the face also stimulates the muscles, increases blood flow, de-congests the sinuses and reduces puffiness. In this way facial massages can help to give the skin a fresh glow, at the same time as providing a moment for you to relax and indulge in a little self-care.  

Which Oils Should You Use?

Argan Oil
is a highly nutritious oil. It penetrates deep into the epidermis and is readily absorbed, nourishing from the inside out. It helps to regenerate the skin, and its anti-oxidant content fights free radicals which reduces the signs of ageing. It leaves skin feeling soft and supple, without clogging pores

Sweet Almond Oil
a highly nutritious oil containing large amounts of proteins, essential fatty acids and vitamins E and D.

Jojoba Oil
the oil closest to our skin's natural sebum. It is readily absorbed into the skin and helps to regulate sebum production. Both deeply moisturising and balancing, jojoba helps to treat problem skin and reduces the signs of ageing.

Rosehip Oil
full of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins and omega 3 and 6, making it a powerful oil to combat problem skin and to replenish cells.

Castor Oil
Has antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. It works wonders for blemished or acne prone skin. Its astringent qualities that clear away excess dirt and old skin, and, while it a moisturising oil it doesn’t block pores.

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A Bit of Self Love

We all live such busy, hectic lives that it’s easy to forget to give ourselves that extra bit of self-love. The oil cleansing method is a simple and effective way to not only clean the skin, but to encourage us to set a bit of time aside for ourselves, even if it is only for five minutes. It can be done as little or as often as you like, but we think it works it’s best in the evening, as a way to relax, unwind and cleanse yourself of the stress of the day.  

Have you tried to oil cleansing method? Take your pick from our range below

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