Understanding Natural SPF: What You Need to Know

As the good weather rages on I thought it would be a good time to do a little write up about the pro’s (and cons) of natural sunscreen, just to arm you with a few facts before you make the switch to a natural alternative

Why do we want a Natural SPF cream or lotion?

Recent studies have shown that there are three active ingredients in Commercial Sunscreen, namely homosalate, avobenzone and oxybenzone, that can cause changes in hormones, kidney and reproductive function.

As most sunscreen are readily absorbed into the skin, this is cause for worry not only for ourselves but the potential consequence for our oceans, as there is often run off into the water.

For this reason many people have turned to a natural alternative for these creams. To find a product that is not only harm free but that actively nourishes your skin when you are using it.

Why we have to be careful when purchasing

And all this sounds great, a natural (hopefully plastic free) swap to protect our skin whilst also moisturising and even cleansing it. However a study conducted by Researchers at Consumer Reports found that 46% of products did not contain the amount of SPF that they purported to.

So what sort of ingredients do we need to look for when choosing our natural Sunscreens?


The short answer is Yes, many of them do, a widely accepted one being Coconut oil, with it’s proponents pointing out that it has an SPF level of 5.

And while this is true, any sun lover will probably tell you that slathering yourself in coconut oil is most likely going to have the opposite effect of protecting your skin. You will in fact bake yourself, not unlike a roast potato, under the oven of the sky we call the sun.

And the scary reality is that there actually are a lot of sunscreens out there that are made up only of oils. A quick google turned up at least five products that didn’t contain anything in them that would do much to protect your skin from the suns UVA or UVB rays.


The best natural ingredient that has been shown to prevent damage from these rays is in fact zinc oxide. You’ll often see surfers on the beach with great green war paint like stripes across their face, and, more often than not, this is made from at least a blend of zinc oxide.

It’s naturally occurring, water proof, and creates a literal barrier between your skin and its UV rays

But the vast majority of us who frequent the beach aren’t doing it to engage in water sports, and so you’re probably not looking for an all over sun screen that makes you look like you’ve just stepped out of a slightly green mud bath.

Can I make my own SPF cream?

Generally speaking we suggest you leave it to the professionals, even Julie and I don’t risk it when it comes to sun screen. I’ve included a link below with a a great list of different sunscreens to choose from to best suit your skin type :)

Natural Sun Screens

Further reading:
Why homemade sunscreen is not a good idea

Georgia MorrisComment